I have been spending a bit of time looking at the online documentation regarding the collections in the Cairo museum. Its actually a blessing for me that so much information has been digitised for study and i have been doing what i can to locate items belonging to Hatshepsut.
The following is something to share with you all. From the Internet Archive (which is proving a great resource) is the following:
Georges Legrain, 1908
"Repertoire genealogique et onomastique du Musee du Caire"
I have included the full document, as i am aware some of you are interested in the Cairo Museum collection.
In French, i am sure (if nothing else) you will be as impressed as i am with Legrains work. This is one of a number of documents, but until i have had a chance to look at them myself- i have no idea of the content.
I read some of this on the way home and am pleased to note all the obvious names- Hatshepsut, Neferure, etc.
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