Hatshepsut Project Tabs

Sunday, 8 August 2010

The Punt trading expedition

The walls of Hatshepsuts mortuary temple show scenes of a trading expedition to the land of Punt. The scenes show the items brought back, the houses of the Puntians (?) and the ships which took Hatshepsuts people to Punt and back again.

I recently saw a documentary called "Building a Pharaoh's ship". Attempts are made to recreate one of the ships depicted on the temple walls.

The PBS site shown below gives details of the documentary as well as a lot more information which some of you may find useful. You do not have to watch the film, but i recommend browsing the other parts of the site:




  1. Avez-vous vu la vidéothèque de mon site Web ? J'ai une vidéo de 4 minutes qui parle de la période où les Égyptiens a navigué sur la Mer Rouge ...
    Dominique - http://www.egypte-antique.org/spip.php?rubrique79

  2. Traduction :
    Saw you the videotheque of my Web site? I have a video of 4 minutes which speaks about the time(period) when Egyptians navigated the Red Sea...
    Dominique - http://www.egypte-antique.org/spip.php?rubrique79

  3. My apologies for the absence Dominique. I will get back to you this evening, when i am at home.

    Mes excuses pour l'absence de Dominique. Je vais revenir à vous ce soir, quand je suis à la maison.

  4. Wow! - your site looks great, Dominique. Please bare with me as i go through the content. I like the fact you have video content and pictures and the general look is very impressive.

    Wow! - Votre site est superbe, Dominique. S'il vous plaît nue avec moi, comme je passe par le contenu. J'aime le fait que vous avez du contenu vidéo et des photos et l'apparence générale est très impressionnant.

    Always a pleasure,

